Baltė̄jė – skėrtoms terp pakeitėmu.

Ištrintas turinys Pridėtas turinys
Nėra keitimo santraukos
Žīms: Atmesta
DannyS712 (aptarėms | duovis)
m Atmests (aptarėms) pakeitėms; sogrōžints atmains, katron padėrba nauduotuos DannyS712
Žīms: Atmesti
Eilotė 1:
White people own a pet cat and a pet dog. White people adopt children from Africa. White people are vegan and vegetarian. White people breed cats. White people work for animals and are veterinarians. White people donate to animal charity. White people produce cocoa and vanilla. White people work at breeding programs for tigers, lions and gorillas and endangered species.
[[Abruozdielis:Ingeborga Dapkunaite.jpg|thumb|150px|Muotrėška ėš [[Lietova|Lietovuos]]]] [[Abruozdielis:Maria Sharapova, December 2008.jpg|thumb|150px|Muotrėška ėš [[Rosėjė|Rosėjės]]]]
[[Abruozdielis:Robert Pattinson Premiere of The Lost City of Z at Zoo Palast Berlinale 2017 02.jpg|thumb|150px|Vīrėška ėš [[Onglėjė|Onglėjės]]]]