PETA – skėrtoms terp pakeitėmu.

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Naus poslapis: frame|right|PETA logotipas '''PETA''' ({{en|People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals}} – „Prietelē ož etėška elgėmasi so gīvūnās“) īr sviet...
Idioma-bot (aptarėms | duovis)
m r2.7.3) (robots Pridedama: bn, ca, cs, da, de, es, fa, fi, fo, fr, gl, he, hi, id, it, ja, ko, ksh, nl, nn, no, or, pl, pt, ro, ru, simple, sk, sv, tr, zh
Eilotė 7:
[[bn:পিপল ফর দি ইথিকাল ট্রিটমেন্ট অফ অ্যানিম্যালস]]
[[ca:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[de:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[en:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[es:Personas por el Trato Ético de los Animales]]
[[fa:بنیاد مردمی رعایت اصول اخلاقی در برابر حیوانات]]
[[fi:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[fr:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[he:אנשים למען יחס מוסרי לבעלי חיים]]
[[id:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[it:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[ksh:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[nl:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[nn:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[no:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[or:ପିପଲ ଫର ଦି ଏଥିକାଲ ଟ୍ରିଟମେଣ୍ଟ ଅଫ ଆନିମାଲ୍ସ]]
[[pl:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[pt:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[ru:Люди за этичное обращение с животными]]
[[simple:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[sk:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
[[sv:People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]