English: A network of genotypes linked by mutations. Each genotype is made up of 3 genes: a,b & c. Each gene can be one of two alleles. Lines link different phenotypes by mutation. The phenotype is indicated by colour. Genotypes abc, Abc, aBc and abC lie on a neutral network since all have the same, dark phenotype. Genotype abc is robust since any single mutation retains the same phenotype. Other genotypes are less robust as mutations change the phenotype (e.g. ABc).
Šėtom failė īr papėlduomos infuormacėjės, tikriausē pridietos skaitmeninės kameruos a skanėrė, katros bova nauduots anam sokortė a parkeltė i skaitmenėni fuormata. Jēgo fails bova pakeists ėš pradėnės versėjės, katruos nekatruos datalės gal nepėlnā atspėndietė nauja faila.